As a poet, she is the author of the collections Eye to Eye (Bordighera Press, 2014), A Secret Room in Fall (McGovern Award, Ashland Poetry Press, 2006) and The Bodies We Were Loaned (The Word Works, 2002), as well as a chapbook, American Gothic, Take 2 (Finishing Line Press, 2009). Her poetry ranges widely in subject, drawing inspiration from modern urban life, history, and memory. Her work, which has been published in French and Farsi and nominated four times for a Pushcart Award, has appeared in magazines such as The Hudson Review, Ploughshares, Poetry, Poetry International, Notre Dame Review, and Crab Orchard Review. More than 25 anthologies have included her poems, including Killer Verse: Poems of Murder and Mayhem, Alfred A. Knopf Everyman’s Library; Waiting Room Reader, Vol. II: Words to Keep You Company, CavanKerry Press, edited by Rachel Hadas; and anthologies from Beacon Press, The Feminist Press, University of Notre Dame Press, and University of Akron Press, among others. She is the recipient of the Willow Review Award for Poetry, the Elinor Benedict Poetry Prize from Passages North, and the Allen Tate Memorial Award from Wind, as well as an Individual Artist award from the Queens Council on the Arts. Creative Nonfiction: Maria began to write more nonfiction after The Guggenheim Museum commissioned her and nine other writers to create narratives for the Queens version of stillspotting nyc in spring 2012. This multidisciplinary project took the museum’s programming out into the streets of the city’s five boroughs. Excerpts from her stillspotting poetic narrative, “At Home in the New World,” can be heard in a photo-essay, “Desire in Jackson Heights.” Essays from her book, At Home in the New World, were published in literary media including Witness, Green Mountains Review, The Common, Briar Cliff Review, Potomac Review, The Evansville Review, and Litro (U.K.) A native-born, lifelong New Yorker, Maria works as a communications consultant for CUNY and other non-profits. She lives in Jackson Heights, Queens, with her husband, William Terrone. |
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